Search results for Shrabani Basu.

For King and Another Country: Indian Soldiers on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Shrabani Basu


Bloomsbury India, £25.00, 224pp. 41 ills, notes and refs, bibliog, index. ISBN: 978-83-84052-91-1  Shrabani Basu’s work on the Indian Army - not to be confused with another book of the same name about a Second World War fighter pilot in the RAF - is, unsurprisingly given her background in journalism, ‘populist’ in style and approach and largely dr…

15 March 1915 : Subedar Manta Singh


The objective on the third day of the Battle of Neuve Chapelle for the Indian Corps was the capture of Bois du Biez to be followed by an advance on the line of La Cliqueterie Farm. Due to low-lying early morning mist on the 10 March 1915 the attack was delayed during which time the Germans continued with heavy bombing and artillery fire. At 3:…